May 18, 2014 Lorraine’s report
Howdy folks, thanks for stopping by. Well, this week was sort of boring. We didn’t travel anywhere, or go and do anything worth noting. But we did have a fun day last weekend with my sister and her family.
We were invited over for Mother’s Day, and it was truly fun! It has been 18 months since we last saw any on my family, and it was exciting to see, catch up and visit with all of my sister’s family. And the food was really good!!! Of course we all enjoyed each other’s company, and the catching up was a lot of fun. Thank you Thelma, John, Kerri, Johnny, Carl and Ashley, with their spouses and significant others. It was F U N and we enjoyed the times we had with you.
Of course the food everyone prepared was sooooo good!!! Couldn’t have asked for more fun, except for wishing my two children were with us. That would have made it perfect. Miss them both as we always do on any holiday.
So this week was normal, except that I had to go into the doctors for a fasting blood test. At least it wasn’t as bad as having a bowel clean out or the like. This week we see my oncologist and my regular family doctor. And as usual, I always hesitate to say anything is good, until I hear my doctor say “all is well” and I don’t have my cancer back. This is one thing that never leaves me. Some year I may get “over it”, but who knows, maybe it will never go away.
We got to see Jan and Glenn this week for lunch. It was nice, and we hope they sell their home and become part time, on the road travelers. They are hoping it works well for them, since we enjoy it so well.
To me the best thing we did was to go to the Silver Reef Casino and have their lunch Seafood Buffet. It has gotten pretty expensive to have the seafood buffet. But Chuck took me there on Thursday and was it ever mummy. I had my fill of the Dungeness Crab. It was sooo good!!! When we are away, having the seafood buffet at other casinos around the nation is not the same as having the seafood buffet as we get here in the Great Pacific Northwest. They have other crab, but it is not the Dungeness crab, and they want a fortune for it.
Tomorrow is Victoria Day in Canada. Hope all our Canadian friends enjoy the day-have a great day. Then it is Memorial Day. Many thanks to all the Veterans who served our great nation. Then next month is the start of graduations here in the county.
So with that, I’ll say “see you down the road.” Hugs to all,
5/18/14 Chuck’s report
Another good week here in Washington. I know I said we wouldn’t post every week, especially when we didn’t do much and this week would probably qualify. But I know Lorraine took some pictures this week so figured that I should probably write something and include a few of those pictures.
Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and we were invited over to Lorraine’s sister’s home. She was planning on having all her children, grandkids and their spouses/friends over for dinner too. It was nice to see all the family we haven’t seen for over a year, some had changed for sure, others not so much. Sorry that Rose was unable to attend, she had to work, sure can understand that as I missed out on lots of gatherings during my working years too.
It was good visiting with them and everyone had plenty of snacks and dinner later too. Because we’ve missed all the birthdays and such for the past 18 months, I brought over a couple different bottles for toasting everyone’s missed birthdays, fun. A very nice day, both weather wise and visiting with family wise too.
Monday was a quite day for us, we did make a last minute decision to have lunch at the senior day buffet at the casino, that was the only exciting part of the day.
Tuesday we headed into town so Lorraine could get blood drawn for her upcoming doctor visits this week. Later we hit Wal-Mart and a couple of other stores while we were in town.
Wednesday was another stay-at-home and enjoy type of day. Lorraine did some laundry and I found a couple of things to do also, like vacuuming and empting the holding tanks. But mostly we just sat around, read our books and played on the computer, nice.
Thursday was a day that Lorraine had been looking forward to for awhile, Seafood buffet at the casino. She really enjoys Dungeness crab and we haven’t found many places that have Dungeness, most have King or Snow crab and Lorraine doesn’t like it as well. We knew they have Dungeness along with lots of other seafood too so had made plans to go here. They have their lunch buffet then close down for an hour before they start their dinner buffet, same food, just more money for dinner. So we decided to go to the lunch, get the same food for less, no brainer, huh.
Lorraine did get filled up on crab, I think if she had a choice better Dungeness crab or lobster it would be a very tough decision for her. She got lots of lobster when we were back East last fall and will probably get more crab while we are here and/or in Alaska this summer.
Friday was another stay at-home and enjoy day, we are liking these. We did have to make a run to the nearby small grocery store but that was our only drive that day.
Saturday we had plans to meet with a ex co-worker of mine and his wife, Glenn and Jan. We’ve known these folks since 1972 and last saw then at 1000 Trails in Palm Springs last December. We met them at the restaurant at the casino, shoot, it was only open for dinner and we were there around lunch time. So we decided to go to the deli instead and ordered off the menu. We had a very good visit, it wasn’t busy so we sat around for an hour after eating just visiting. Then we tried our luck on the slots for awhile before we said our “so longs, see you later” and headed home. Once again, it was a good visit, too bad we didn’t think to get pictures however.
The weather has been really nice here the past week. I know Seattle broke a couple of record highs and we were right there too. But as always happens here in the great NW, the highs soon dropped back to the normal mid 60s with cloudy skies. The forecasts were for rain on Saturday and today but lucky for us, they were wrong, we had the clouds but no rain. It did rain South of us but we didn’t get any here. The forecast is for 4 more nice days before the rains come again, nice.
Lorraine is getting excited about her upcoming 50th High School class reunion coming up in July. Just this morning she filled out a paper and is sending in a check for dinner when we we get there.
That’s about all, guess I’ll add some pictures and get this posted.
Thelma (Lorraine’s sister) on the left and Lorraine on the right.
Thelma and husband John
Thelma and her two daughters, Ashley on her right and Kerri on her left.
All the children, grand kids, spouses and friends.
Thanks Chuck